Category Archives: Strengths-Based


An Interest-ing Twist

This gallery contains 4 photos.

My fifth child and fourth son was diagnosed with autism in February, 1997, at just over two years old. By twelve years old, he would have probably been considered high functioning autism. Although it is said that a person with … Continue reading


Supporting Creative Minds from Trauma

This gallery contains 10 photos.

Along with the nation, my heart has been heavy this past week. Because of the place I’m at in my own journey of advocacy for right-brained learning, I felt a strong need to add my voice with those of others … Continue reading


My Reader’s Ask: Are We Using Therapies to Force a Developmental Process That Will Unfold Naturally?

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Alayna asks:  I’m curious about your take on the many therapies often suggested for right brained kids who are struggling with academics. Vision, auditory, occupational… Is it always necessary or are we forcing a developmental process that would unfold on its … Continue reading


Passion-Inspired Learning vs. Teacher-Enforced Learning

This gallery contains 5 photos.

I’m so excited about a local group I just found that I’m having my 13-year-old theater son attend. It’s a theater- and art-infused focus on history. The premise is that the group will take an area of history and learn … Continue reading