Category Archives: Deschooling


A Different Process and Product

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As a parent embarks on the path of homeschooling, it can feel like a scary and uncharted territory. Stresses can arise on how to do it right, how to pick up where schools left off, and what does it even … Continue reading


The Death of Show-Me Work

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A former blogger, Christine, wrote a post called “Product vs. Process” which talks about her dilemma as a homeschooling parent over feeling a strong need to have a product after every learning experience, whether because of her teacher training or … Continue reading


There are no Educational Emergencies

This gallery contains 8 photos.

My most popular conference workshop is the one I entitle “Understanding Your Right-Brained Child” where I share what type of learner this is and within what learning time frame they easily advance, and with what style of learning they flourish. … Continue reading


The Snake Lesson

This gallery contains 4 photos.

I was prompted to recall some time ago the lessons I learned from my firstborn son the first year we began to homeschool. Don’t we all have these? One of my two most important lessons I learned was the snake … Continue reading


An Introduction to the Creative Right-Brained Learner

“She’s smart, but lazy.” “He’s living below his potential.” These are some of the comments a parent of a right-brained learner may hear about their child in regard to their learning process. This creative learner is often later in developing … Continue reading